who am i?
my name is jeff. i am 12 years old, and i am a filipino-american artist (i draw and animate but usually draw more)
i like to listen to music, and i also like hanging out with my friends..well, sometimes. my uncle says that i might have ADHD but who knows, maybe i do, maybe i dont... im pretty dumb and i get confused most of the time and sometimes i struggle trying to talk to people especially if i dont really know them and im sorry about that
i dont like when people get angry at me or yell at me or something, especially if its someone like a friend, it makes me very sad even if they are only a little angry. i dont like when people get angry at my friends. and also i think twinkies and prune jui
some other things about me
- my favorite colors are mostly blue and cyan...
- i enjoy summer, i just like the warm weather i don't like when it's cold
- i like men
- my birthday is on 6/13/12.