2/21/25i still want him back. but he still does not like me. i did nothing wrong. i think i might have to come up with a plan.
2/14/25happy valentines day! there will be special drawing collab with my best friend coming out tomorrow. but im still sad ans stressed because one of my other friends literally stopped being friends with me for the weirdest reason
1/28/25 (edited 2/10/25)i got anxious over something although i wont exactly tell you because it is pretty personal, and no i didnt ask for it by the way
1/17/25i think im slowly starting to get more into pokemon, and i think it was because of porygon, magnemite, lunatone, and xatu. they....are so awesome
1/9/25im sad, because yesterday they moved my damn mypath class from Mr. R to Ms. H...and her class is a literal hell hole...and i wont be able to see my friends for that period
new year
1/1/25happy new years everyone , i hope this year is going to be great and nothing bad happens okay
not good
12/27/24i forgot about this blog for a little while. i forgot to say merry christmas to all of you. i am so done with life
2025 (and christmas)
12/21/24wow...it is almost the new years 2025...this year kind of felt pretty slow at the start to be honest, until we got back to school in august and thats when things started to feel a little faster. but i cant believe its almost ending now. and christmas is soon...yay!!!! i cant wait for the family christmas party that will be happening too, but its not because of the presents.. one of my awesome uncles will most likely be there too! yay
computer chip?
12/11/24?????? one of my friends found this thing on the ground
12/10/24today while i was in the bathrooms, i was gonna exit one of the stalls when i noticed a little bug. it was a spider and it was hanging from my hair
dont worry though, i already killed it by crushing it with my hands (and it was only a tiny little spider so.....)
why do i act dumb and stupid all the time
11/15/24there's this really cool game, and it's called Run 3.
i really really like this game...nice gameplay and cute characters....its just too awesome that i cant really describe how good it is !!!!!!!!!

break time
10/24/24i hate it when the lunch lady does not let me get food for the 2nd time during break time. i hate it!!!! she wouldn't let me go even though im still hungry the food isnt even enough its literally smaller than my dick bro oh my gosh......................................................................especially the damn drinks they serve its so small dude you could literally finish it in just 1 sip bro............................oh my gosh
art (part 3)
10/23/24i think i should make the faces more diverse next time i draw more characters if you know what i mean...if you look in the art page you will notice almost all the faces look the same and i kind of wanna change that, i mean, i cant just keep drawing the same little dot eyes with the tiny mouth and stuff idk
art (part 2)
10/23/24looking at my old drawings in the art page makes me cringe so much i want to delete them uggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
10/23/24i hope to post more of my recent works...but i dont really feel confident about them right now.. and im also thinking about deleting some drawings too
10/17/24things have kind of been going well.. also not at the same time though... but we'll see....
10/14/24sometimes i feel like the things surrounding me dont make sense,or , how do i describe this....
10/2/24its october, and my brother's birthday is coming up soon. he is turning 11 on the 28th. yay! and theres going to be halloween too
9/11/24sorry about the last post everyone, something happened and it made me feel very upset and sad which is why i was saying those things. but don't worry, i am feeling a little bit better now...
9/7/24i cant even do anything right, and im useless, and im a failure. i dont really see the point in living anymore. i think i should just do it.
eye problem
8/30/24yeah guys i think im becoming nearsighted, i cant really see the words on the teacher's board
it's all blurry, and even squinting my eyes doesn't realy help.
8/22/24a few days ago, i just made some new friends at school
those were the first ever friends i had at school in a very long time
middle school (update)
8/11/24i was just overreacting..middle school isnt that bad
middle school
7/30/24i dont think middle school will be great. everytime i go to places where people are present i get really nervous and anxious, and when i start feeling that way i dont really function well and my mind starts to go kind of blank.. and i dont think things will be good if any of my classmates see me like that they'd probably think im being weird or something and they probably wouldn't like me because of that so..................
i think my hamster died
7/25/24i think my hamster died. usually when i tap on his cage he would wake up and run out of his little corner to see what that noise is, but yesterday when i did that he didnt respond to the sound. so i picked him up from his spot and it seemed like he wasnt breathing or anything..no heartbeat and stuuff.. my dad told me that hibernating hamsters with still wake up from things like sound and other things because hamsters dont truly hibernate so...my hamster is pretty much dead. R.I.P
7/10/24aaaafterrr aaaaallll of the waaasteeed yeaaaarss need to get a taste of your feeaaarr need a little taste of your blooood then we can finally be oooneeee you’re everything i ever waaanteed just a single bite and im thrrooougghh theres no need to beg or baargaaaiinn because all i need is yyoooooooooooooooouu
are you kidding me
7/7/24im pretty distressed. all i wanted to see was some wholesome art of my favorite ship and im already seeing porn. why.
7/5/24my best friend hasnt been online for days now im going insane im going insane im going insane im going insane im going insane im going insane im going insane im going insane im
counter stats
6/26/24sorry guys, but i had to change the counter stats. the reason why i had to change my counter stats to a different one was because the other one i was using showed visitors cities when you click on it. so thats why i changed it.
6/21/24sometimes when i go to my dad's work i would find some fun bugs...and it's really cool... i would see cute caterpillars and bugs that fly and stuff..except the only thing i dont like about it is when my dad stomps on them..
6/13/24today...is my birthday!!!! im 12 now!!! yay!!
6/12/24in 1 day, it will be my birthday.. and i will be turning 12.. not much will happen during my birthday though, but its ok, i am still happy that my birthday is coming soon and even if i only get a simple "happy birthday" from someone and nothing else i will still be glad and grateful
good morning!
6/6/24i still havent gone to sleep and its 12:07 AM right now
5/31/24summer break is coming up, and im gonna be graduating on the last day of school (6/4/24). i feel kind of nervous about this, especially since i don't really know if i feel prepared for middle school...i hope when summer break ends middle school will be atleast be decent or good..and i hope the teachers and kids are nice..
5/28/24sometimes i would start feeling a mix of emotions for no reason and they would make me feel weird and then i start dying because of those which is not fun
5/24/24sometimes when i dream, i would end up in the same place as some other dream i had days ago. it's very weird, especially if it keeps happening for more than once. i would also see the same people too...
why (again)
5/21/24for some reason i always feel like people are gonna betray me and leave me to rot all alone and i dont like thinking about that but yet my brain still shoves it into my mind
is this true?
5/20/24sooo.. i heard that some asteroid is gonna pass by the earth. but i also remember someone on twitter saying that the asteroid is gonna hit the earth? what? is it true the asteroid is gonna hit the earth?
most likely not. i don't believe that it will hit earth. but also at the same time i've heard in multiple articles that it might hit... and it kind of gets me tweaking because although i would have thoughts about dying sometimes, i still dont really feel ready to actually die..
5/21/24 edit:nothing hit us
funny things happening
5/15/24i saw lots of snails yesterday
most of them were sleeping but in the morning i saw one of them awake....
so cool..!!!!!! snails are the most awesome creatures to happen
it's so cold outside
5/13/24it's really cold outside today...i do not like it... my hands feel kind of numb...!!!!!!!!!! not fun
and even worse, i forgot my jacket at my old apartment while we were moving things to the new one...so i have no jacket to keep me warm..!!!!!!!!!
peace has been made
5/11/24peace has been made
im so mad
5/10/24i always get to seem so upset, like really upset, when i see someone i really like with someone i really hate. i always get this weirs]d feeling, and it's not fun for me because i always feel like i wanna eat my walls and destroy everything and everyone and askjdhfalhnc...
idk im probably overreacting though i shouldn't be so angry over that. it's kind of dumb, feeling so mad over seeing some certain person with some other certain person interacting with eachother. it's not even a big deal but yet somehow my mind just fails to understand that and idk why

strange thing
5/8/24for some reason, everytime i come back home from school i always feel like i have nausea. i don't know why though.
but it's really weird, that never happened before. i did not feel like that going home from school a long time ago
5/5/24just some test thing nothing special...
hello everyone
5/5/24my first blog on this website...that is so cool!
cant wait for more soon...