hello everyone 
welcome to my website. this is something personal so not really much is gonna happen in here. but, i do things like blogging. and, i also will share images and art, and more. this website is a newer version of another one i made, so if you want to see the old website, you can visit here.
this website will still be in w.i.p for now, so some thing might not work or some things will look weird because of it being unfinished….but dont worry guys, it will be finshed somewhere in the near future
also there will be bugs and probably flashing images/colors aswell so if you are sensitive to those things i advise you to be cautious when looking around
12/11/24: i finally added a new page to replace the random page! it is where i put random songs i find cool, you can find it on th left navigation box (labeled songs) if you want to see previous updates, go here